The South End, paradoxically, is located in the central western district of this city, indicating a history of urban growth

The South End, paradoxically, is located in the central western district of this city, indicating a history of urban growth

This city was drawn with the intent to practice drawing a city in the order it was built. I drew the river first, then followed up with the bridge and most of the roads close to the river. However, I went straight to pen and was not able to revise as I went. The city grew somewhat inorganically. It skipped time in certain spots, especially around the highway. The labels were added in the middle of drawing the map, so they interfered with the organic growth of the city.

I found it was difficult to balance the desire to grow a city over time with the impatience to get the map in a final, presentable state. In the end, I drew what I knew. This city is another eerie almost-clone of Portland.