I about two weeks I will be travelling abroad for the first time to compete in the 2nd annual Cambridge 2 Cambridge competition! The competition is held in Cambridge, England. I’m honored to be one of 30 US-based students who qualified to compete.

Cambridge to Cambridge was originally a MIT/University of Cambridge partnership, but they opened up to other Universities this year. The qualifier was held at the end of March, and was capture the flag style. The main event is three days long at the University of Cambridge and will be done in teams (which are to be announced).

After the competition, I’ll be staying an extra 10 days in Europe. I don’t want this site to turn into a travel blog, but I’m very excited to go to Europe. One of the things I’m looking most forward to is taking a day trip to Bletchley Park and the National Computing Museum. My only other goal is to get lost in London, which should be easy to accomplish.