So I’ve finished college and moved back to the Pacific Northwest. This has been my goal for the last 3 or so years, and now its time to think about what comes next.

I’ve been putting a lot of things off until I get my “adult life” in order. In the last few months, I have established something of a schedule, an income, and signed the lease on an apartment. I still have a lot to do, and I doubt I’ll ever feel like things are “in order”. So now is as good a time as any to bring all those ideas I was saving for “after college” back.

I want to GM a game with multiple groups who’s actions impact each other. I want to publish Space Tarot. I want to figure out what’s on this hard drive I found from high school. I want to learn how to lead climb.

This website/blog is my space independent of social media. It’s more for me than it is for other people. It is not meant to get views, or generate ad revenue. I want to use this space to show off my work and curate things I have done that I am proud of. Some of these projects that have been simmering will come to fruition, and will be added here.